Thursday, February 9, 2012

В Болгарию по шенгену

Holders of Schengen visas will be able to visit and stay in Bulgaria without Bulgarian visas
Accepting a proposal by the Prime Minister, the Cabinet today decided that until the date of Bulgaria’s full accession to the Schengen zone, Bulgaria unilaterally will apply a visa-free system for holders of valid Schengen visas. With this decision, Bulgaria will apply the Schengen acquis.

The decision will allow holders of Schengen visas and residence permits to enter and reside in the Republic of Bulgaria for a period of no more than three months in any six-month period from the date of first entry, without needing to have a Bulgarian short-stay visa.

In practice, this decision will affect the citizens of all countries that currently require visas to enter Bulgaria and the EU, respectively. It means that citizens of China, Turkey, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and many other countries who already have Schengen visas or residence permits need make no further effort to stay in the territory of Bulgaria.

Holders of such visas mainly are business people with strong economic potential, seeking to make investments, while other potential beneficiaries are tourists wanting to visit Bulgaria’s seaside or mountain resorts.

Теперь обладатели шенгенской мультивизы смогут съездить по ней еще и в Болгарию (решение cовета министров вступило в силу с 31 января). 

Болгария, в Шенгенский договор не входит, приходилось оформлять национальную визу. Новые правила будут действовать до полноценного присоединения Болгарии к Шенгенскому соглашению (возможно, это произойдет до конца 2012 года). Послабление касается только туристов, учебные и деловые визы по-прежнему надо получать в посольстве Болгарии.

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